Child modelling
Child models tend to be between two and twelve years of age and it is much more widely accepted in this area of the industry that a diverse selection is desired. The requirements that you would find in other areas of modelling like weight, size and height are much more variable and what agencies look for above all else is a confident, happy and compatible child with an attractive look.
The governing of child modelling is obviously and rightly more strict than other areas of modelling, the key objective being to ensure that no detriment is caused to the child’s educational development and to safeguard against exploitation. In order for a child under sixteen to work, the parent or guardian must hold a license and abide by the strict guidelines orientating around length and number of working hours. In addition to this, all reputable model agencies will insist that a biological parent or legal guardian is present at any shoot.
We do also believe it important that as the child’s parent or guardian you take full responsibility as their manager. At the end of the day no one is going to be more reliable than you (the parent/guardian) in assuring your child’s best interests are at the forefront of all decisions and the journey of modelling career can lead to a flourishing in the relationship that you and your child share.
In recent years there has been a measureable surge in the marketability of children’s clothing and many major fashion houses have branched out into this profitable enterprise. This has meant that the need for child models has increased and there are now multiple areas available to child models, these include; catalogue, advertising, high street fashion, television, and film extras.
A modelling platform like ours provides the perfect coaching and tuition in becoming an effective model. We can also provide the support integral to your child’s development in the modelling industry with advice, information and, of course, invaluable contact
In the child modeling category there is always a demand for new models, as there is a large variety of media requiring a vast selection of models. Work can vary from catalogues, hotel brochures, furniture commercials and food advertisement to name a few.
Sending off an application is something as a parent you should understandably think hard about, our team at SixModels are here to answer any questions you have in regards to child modeling and the industry in general. Child modeling normally covers the ages of 2-12 years old; there are no specifics in terms of height and appearance, as companies will use a child that fits the vision of the brand.
Child models must be confident and enjoy being in front of the camera. This isn’t always easy to decided until your child has been involved in a professional photoshoot environment, we at Sixcan offer you the opportunity try this with your child in a fun and relaxed setting.
It’s important as a parent that you are aware of the tight laws governing child modeling, which are place to protect your and your young model interests. There are strict guidelines for the amount of hours models can work and any model under the age of 16 must have a license to work. These restrictions are in place to guaranteed your child is not over worked and schooling always comes first. A parent or guardian is always required to attend shoots with the model and should act as their manager as you will always put your child’s needs first, Plus attending photoshoots with your child can create great quality time together!
Getting your child into the modelling industry can be a daunting task, SixModel will help guide you through the numerous child agencies and advise you on the correct procedures, utilizing our extensive knowledge of the industry and contacts.