Modelling Categories

Printed Model Portfolio

Printed Model Portfolio

Printed Model Portfolios


A model’s portfolio is essential to their success; it is your way of selling yourself and your image to potential clients, your CV if you will. Printed PortfolioAt Six Models we have been helping models build effective portfolios for years and know what style of image clients and agencies will be looking for and with our team of top professional stylists and photographers we can help you to build a well presented, professional portfolio. The requirements of these clients and agencies will vary across the industry, some will ask for a full extensive portfolio whereas others will just want headshots or a Z card, Six Models can offer all of these when building your portfolio to make sure you are prepared in any situation.


When shooting for our portfolios we have our models do numerous hair and outfit changes, creating a diverse portfolio that shows you with a number of looks will boost your employment chances as there is a huge range of genres within modelling within an even wider range of tastes across the industry so even if you don’t necessarily love an image it might be exactly the look a client was looking for.


Providing professional images and presenting them in a professional way can go a long way to helping your chances in finding work. Low quality, grainy and self taken images are not suitable for a portfolio and will give the client the impression that you are inexperienced and may not do your look the justice it deserves. A printed portfolio is best presented in a binder and kept with you at all times as a ‘just in case I meet my big break’ attitude could be the difference!


Six Models can provide you with a high quality, professional portfolio or can just be here to provide advice and assistance to those wanting to build their own, giving you successful start is our ultimate aim.